
Art Direction • Socials • Packaging
Strive allows me to spend less time doing paperwork and more time doing what I love, which is staying on the mat and teaching.

Client: Strive
Art Director: Sean O'Sullivan


Strive is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy and Martial Arts management app.
It was created out of the love for the sport and allows modern metrics to give coaches
and masters the ability to see everything at once.
The brief from the client was to create a social campaign to spread brand awareness and
an overall strategy to be able to get more brand recognition.
Using existing graphics and styles a number of campaigns we're created.


After the initial contact with Strive, we decided the first thing that was needed for
the company was to continue exploring brand awareness and recognition to gain
a larger user base for the app.

We carved out a number of campaigns to share the spotlight on the current academies
and users and give them a platform to reshare and gain the attention of other academies and competitors.

New Campaign
excerpt for 2023

All Tatami
All you

With the campaign launching in 2023
the focus of the campaigns are the brand pillars.
Tatami is a word that is used to refer to the mats that the sport is practiced on.

The campaign focuses around their existing brand visuals and give light
to the loyal users of the mat. A spotlight on them, their gym and how the app serves them.
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